International Summer School: CirCOOL 3.0 – The Life Cycle of Polymers

CirCOOL is MUL’s innovative & interdisciplinary international summer school program that successfully premiered in July 2018 and went into its second round in 2019 – again with outstanding feedback. In 2020 CirCOOL will take place for the third time in a revised form. This year the CirCOOL will focus on one specific field within the circular economy: the production, processing and recycling of polymers.

The CirCOOL program intends to enable students to see the bigger scope of their specific educational field and what it can contribute to the whole material circle. This approach strongly contributes to the de-isolating of the various fields of expertise needed to implement the material loop.

CirCOOL is arranged in a modular structure which mirrors the various major steps of the value life cycle – this year especially focusing on the life cycle of polymers. Content seminars will be completed by at least one major field trip to relevant industry in order to show the practical applicability of the material flow in the industry and economy.


Therefore, the Summer School 2020 aims to give the attendees a short insight into the complete value chain. The Summer School, initially planned for July 2020, had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is intended to postpone the program and if possible to organize it in the middle of September 2020. If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to to receive further information about the CirCOOL 3.0 program. A first draft of the program’s itinerary can be found below: